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Make a Donation

We are so sorry about this Americanised website but this link does give an opportunity for Donations to be given to Jane's chosen Charities namely Orbis and The Samson Centre for MS. 100% of donation is given to the Charity Jane could not contemplate the loss of her sight and had a deep concern for those that had. She therefore contributed monthly to Orbis, who are a world wide charity fitting out aircraft and ships with operating theatres, thereby allowing sight restoration/preservation in underdeveloped areas of the world. Jane developed Benign Sensory MS in the early 90's. Something of a misnomer at certain times. She stoically fought it herself but was always very mindful of those who had developed the unremitting forms of the disease. For this reason she donated to or brought gifts from the Samson Centre in Guildford. This is a local charity, without any State funding, that provides a range of therapies to offer some relief to those affected by the disease.

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Add a Story

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